Charging with potential for the Dorfkrug hotel chain

Familie lädt Gepäck aus ladendem E-Auto
Hotel Dorfkrug

In Büsum, guests at hotels and conferences can charge their electric vehicles. Also attracting additional visitors by placing the charging points on public charging cards. The charging infrastructure quickly recoups its costs and expands with growing demand.

Logo Hotel Dorfkrug Büsum
    Vision: More hotel stays, hassle-free charging for all upcoming adventures
    Location: Büsum, Germany
    User groups: Hotel guests and the public
    Implementation period: 6 month
The goal

Clever charging of electric cars at the hotel

In order to satisfy the needs of guests at Dorfkrug Hotels, and to create new commercial opportunities, we installed a charging infrastructure for electric cars at Dorfkrug’s Büsum hotel in Germany.

Our solution

More revenue through public charging

The three powerful direct-current charging stations can be used by both hotel guests and conference guests to charge their vehicles as needed, whether they are staying for an extended period or only briefly. Listing the facilities in public charging station maps and offering invoicing for the public also creates additional income potential.

Success story

Charging infrastructure that scales up with you

Overall, we have created a charging infrastructure that not only refinances itself quickly, but can also grow with increasing demand.

"The charging stations that were installed have been highly beneficial for us because the demand for charging infrastructure is constantly increasing. The Mobility House has been an outstanding partner. They supported us during the entire process, from conception to installation, with their collective expertise and straightforward support. "

Leif Buchholz,

Dorfkrug Hotels

Auto lädt auf dem Parkplatz des Hotels Dorfkrug


The smart charging and energy management system that charges your electric vehicles in the most reliable, easy and affordable way.

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