Once upon a time, when electric mobility was still in its infancy. When
electric cars were a rarity and electric charging was a mystery.
In these
olden days, those myths of e-mobility were told. Legendary tales of lengthy
charging times, limited range, scarce charging infrastructure, and expensive
acquisition costs.
In the meantime, however, a lot has happened.
As experienced experts in the field of intelligent charging and energy solutions, we have set ourselves the goal of taking a closer look at these fairy tales and questioning them. Welcome to our "Fairy Tale Hour of E-Mobility".
Welcome to our fairy tale session of e-mobility! Once upon a time...

„…there was an electric car with a short range!"
Friends in the other part of the country, parents in the hometown, holidays abroad: sometimes you must really unwind kilometers to reach your destination. Are long distances with an EV really no longer a problem?

„…there was a cumbersome and slow charging process!“
Plug in, and then bide your time waiting. But does it really still take ages to charge your EV?

„...there was a country with too few charging stations!“
The tedious search for the next charging station: Still a troublesome part of driving an EV, or an issue of the past?

„...there was a fun free-driving experience!“
Who wants to drive an ugly and slow electric car - where's the fun in it? Or can EVs keep up with combustion engines, nowadays?

„...electric cars were expensive!“
Due to the higher purchase prices, many suspect a general cost disadvantage of electric cars. But do you still have to dig deep into your wallet to be able to drive electric?

„...it was dangerous to drive an electric car!“
If you follow media coverage, you would think that electric cars are more dangerous than vehicles with a combustion engine. But is this really the case?

...electric cars were bad for the environment!“
Driving a car without a guilty conscience: But just how environmentally friendly are electric cars in reality? Doesn't the CO2 balance of their production put them on one level with fossil fuel burners?

„...there was the dirty resource business!“
Clean electric cars produced with "dirty" ressources? Scarcity of raw materials, poor working conditions and high water consumption cast a shadow on the praised electric motor. But what does reality look like?

„...electromobility was a job killer!“
Electromobility endangers jobs - at least that is often the public perception. But what does the future really look like? Is electromobility really a "job killer"?

„...there was the threat of a blackout!“
As electromobility grows, so does the risk of overloading the power grid - at least according to widespread fears. But does the growing number of electric vehicles really pose such a threat, or can a stable power supply be guaranteed nonetheless?

„...there was the short life of the electric car battery!“
The decisive factor for the range and performance of any electric car is the battery. However, these batteries are said to have a short service life. But is this really the case? And what happens to the electric car battery when it no longer delivers the desired range?